zaterdag 18 april 2009

Paper planes

hello there (:
Last week's tuesday I went to the Phoenix in Ghent with Magali and some friends. We saw the movie Slumdog Millionaire, and suddenly the song Paper planes from MIA plays. And I looked immediatly at magali and we laughed. Because we knew it was going to be in the movie, even though we didn't know that it was the movie's soundtrack haha :')

I'm sorry you can't watch it in HQ because some of the locations are really beautiful. I couldn't find the original musicvideo, but I really like this one, so enjoy.

dinsdag 14 april 2009

Blaarmeersen! : )

Hi! It's been a while, not that I have been busy the last few days, but I didn't know what to write. haha. today I went to a friend of mine. we went to the blaarmeersen in Ghent, the weather was really good! Now I have a headachexD. Yesterday, was a lazy day, I was so tired, so I did nothing: p. Sunday, I had to sing in a choir, it was really fun, haha. Then, my parents, my sister and I went to the Ardennes. There was a bicycle race. it was nice xd. I don't know what i'm going to do tomorrow, maybe study latin vocabulary xD.
byee! x

zaterdag 11 april 2009

Singstar all the way !

Hello there,

This is a little video I once found on youtube! I remember showing it to Magali and she liked it as well, so why not share it with you guys (: Yesterday was really really nice, like Magali already said. I'll post a fiew photos in yesterday's blog. So, today Magali came with David and Eliah and we played singstar ! I'm really tired now ! Because we really sang the whole time; it was fun ! (; I'm working on the header ;p but I'm not hurrying though, because it hollidayyy ! Tomorrow it's Easter ! Which means brunnccchhh (: Hope you all had a nice day ! Adiós,


vrijdag 10 april 2009

we love ghent

Hi! Today Linde and I went to Ghent. It was awesome! First we visited some shops and supported a friend of us on/at? her first day at work. It was funny, but she did really great! I also bought a present for my sisters birthday. Then, we were so tired that we found a place to rest a little : D. Actually, we sat there for two hours! haha. Linde took some nice photos and she will use a few of them for the header of our blog. It was really, really, really fun today : D.
Wednesday I was watching the sky at night and the moon was so beautiful! You could see clouds around it. I wanted to take a photo of the moon, but I couldn't find batteries : (. So I had to do it with my gsm, but mine has a really bad quality, so it wasn't good at all haha: ).
Bye! magali
P.S: here are some pictures
Where we first sat down for a while. There were these two little boys singing 'In the Jungle' from The Lion King. Truly adorable, and funny (:

Our friend in the McDonalds : D

Magali with a card from the pretty little store "Fallen Angels"

Linde feeling akward to go on a picture ! ;p

The beautiful blinding sun (:

Magali smiling (:

Question mark ?

Magali's pretty shoes (:

A lot of touristboots rode by. Once there was a man and he sad something like ; 'Behind those two girls you can see...' haha (:

donderdag 9 april 2009

from two well-wishers

Hello there (;
My name's Linde, I'm the second little creature. This is a little video I once found on Youtube! And I remember showing it to Magali, and she liked it as well, so why not share it with you guys (: Tomorrow I'm going to meet with Magali in Ghent. We'll take pictures of Ghent (duuuh) and of us and of things we like and things that might be fun for this blog (: I already have some ideas ! We'll make a nice header as well.

Sunday we went to the 'Boekenfestijn' in Kortrijk, where you can get a lot of books for a cheap price. And we both bought 'Tess of the d'Urbervilles' by Thomas Hardy. We both watched the serie on tv and when we saw that pretty little book we couldn't resist. Magali both the same book twice actually hihi! The first one that we found was an edition of Wordsworth Classics. But then my sister came and showed us another edition from Collectors Library and we both bought that one (; Here is a collage from the edition we both have.



woensdag 8 april 2009

Finally a blog: )

hi everyone! I am Magali, and the reason why I made this blog, with Linde: D of course, is well, she wanted that I began a blog, haha: ). Strangely, I'm a little bit nervous, I don't know why. But it's my first post, and I hope you don't find it boring or something. Haha, I just noticed that Linde knows what I am writing now, I think it's a little creepy; o. But I'm weird, so, that's ok. : ).
So, mostly we're going to write about things that we like and stuff, haha: D.
Tomorrow, Linde will post a new post? that doesn't sound correct, but yeah, my english isn't thàt good; p.
Bye! x