zaterdag 11 april 2009

Singstar all the way !

Hello there,

This is a little video I once found on youtube! I remember showing it to Magali and she liked it as well, so why not share it with you guys (: Yesterday was really really nice, like Magali already said. I'll post a fiew photos in yesterday's blog. So, today Magali came with David and Eliah and we played singstar ! I'm really tired now ! Because we really sang the whole time; it was fun ! (; I'm working on the header ;p but I'm not hurrying though, because it hollidayyy ! Tomorrow it's Easter ! Which means brunnccchhh (: Hope you all had a nice day ! Adiós,


2 opmerkingen:

  1. Deze reactie is verwijderd door de auteur.

  2. Wat een mooi filmpje met mooie muziek erbij!
    Dankjewel trouwens voor je lieve compliment!
    Daar ben ik heel blij mee! :D

