Hi! Today Linde and I went to Ghent. It was awesome! First we visited some shops and supported a friend of us on/at? her first day at work. It was funny, but she did really great! I also bought a present for my sisters birthday. Then, we were so tired that we found a place to rest a little : D. Actually, we sat there for two hours! haha. Linde took some nice photos and she will use a few of them for the header of our blog. It was really, really, really fun today : D.
Wednesday I was watching the sky at night and the moon was so beautiful! You could see clouds around it. I wanted to take a photo of the moon, but I couldn't find batteries : (. So I had to do it with my gsm, but mine has a really bad quality, so it wasn't good at all haha: ).
Bye! magali
P.S: here are some pictures
Where we first sat down for a while. There were these two little boys singing 'In the Jungle' from The Lion King. Truly adorable, and funny (:
Linde feeling akward to go on a picture ! ;p
The beautiful blinding sun (:
Magali smiling (:
Question mark ?
Magali's pretty shoes (:
A lot of touristboots rode by. Once there was a man and he sad something like ; 'Behind those two girls you can see...' haha (:
Wednesday I was watching the sky at night and the moon was so beautiful! You could see clouds around it. I wanted to take a photo of the moon, but I couldn't find batteries : (. So I had to do it with my gsm, but mine has a really bad quality, so it wasn't good at all haha: ).
Bye! magali
P.S: here are some pictures

Our friend in the McDonalds : D
Magali with a card from the pretty little store "Fallen Angels"

K vind leuk da ge eindelijk een blog hebt, Magali!!!!!!!! (dat nu me mijn zus ook is, moek er maar bij nemen)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenNog veel schrijven!
jèèèj : D. ja, alleen wou ik het niet doen, haha. En tis veel leuker zo, met linde een blog hebben! : ). x
BeantwoordenVerwijdereno myn god, astrid is wa keiiigrappig! en die foto van u is moooooi (:
BeantwoordenVerwijderenloveee zowie x
: D, van linde of van mij xD haha. astrid heeft het goed gedaan! hihi xxx
BeantwoordenVerwijderendie foto van u, ge staat er leuk op ;)
Joepiee, thanks : D. x